
Bathroom Problems

It is starting to get pretty cold at night.  My down comforter has kept me pretty toasty though.  I struggle to hang out in my van in the evenings after work.  I don't want to just sit curled up in a blanket before it is time to sleep.  So I have to find heated places to eat, read, or hang out for a while.

My major problem in my vandwelling experience has been going to the bathroom in the morning.  It is something I have to do as soon as I wake up.  For the first month or so I was throwing on glasses, speeding to the gas station (almost next door) and using their bathroom to brush my teeth, and I would buy a morning coffee.  Buying a coffee every morning was not very friendly to my budget.

To fix this I would try not to drink anything after 9pm, with my last bathroom stop being around 11pm.  It worked pretty well.  I've started having time in the morning to change my clothes and put in my contacts and make it 5 minutes to work before using the bathroom.

Tuesday evening I managed not to drink anything after 6pm, and didn't have to go to the bathroom at all yesterday morning.  This turned into a new problem.  I over slept and was late to work, because for the first time my bladder did not awake me and rush me out of my covers.  I think I need motivation like that when it is down to 30 degrees in the morning.

So now I think the $.99 for coffee may be worth it, especially on these cold mornings, to coax me out of my toasty sleeping heaven and get me to work.

The past two days it has done nothing but rain.  Cold rain.  Which brought to me my second problem.  How do I dry my huge umbrella at night?  I decided to keep it closed up tonight.  There is not really room for both of us in here.  Hopefully it is raining in the morning so it doesn't seem strange when I bring it into work to dry it out.

The libraries here close at 9, and Barnes and Noble (an extra 3 mile drive) closes at 10 or 11.  I'll be located in one of these places most evenings for at least the next few weeks.


One Month Down

I just downloaded the blogger app for my iPod. I thought I would have a lot more free time then I have been having. Using my laptop is. Lot less convenient than my iPod, so this app might help.

I'm moving to Colorado next month. One month of van done, one to go. I decided on employee housing for a Colorado Mountain winter. I'm super excited to go. I have never even been west of the Mississippi before. I decided to take Amtrak over driving. Bought my $140 ticket yesterday. My last day of work here is November 4th, then I hop on a train November 14th. Time to get out and see the world.